Sri Lanka Coordination


We have a long history with Sri Lanka to promote its beauty to the Japanese market. We are a well-experienced coordinator also for Japanese media inspections and events in Sri Lanka.



  • スリランカのE-VISA(査証)申請方法
    2024年4月17日付でスリランカ入国における観光ビザの申請方法が変更となりました。以前のETA申請サイトではなく、新しいE-Visa申請サイトを利用し […]
  • ヒッカドゥワへサーフトリップ
    コロナ架も過ぎた感のある2023年1月、「海外で自分のサーフボードでサーフィンしたい!」というサーフ歴3年の妹(と母親)を連れヒッカドゥワにやってきました […]
  • Heritance Tea Factory Virtual Tour(日英)
    We have been organizing various online/virtual tours and events since 2020. We are working with Mitsutea, a tea shop and school in Yokohama, and organizing an online/virtual tour visiting Heritance Tea Factory (HTF) hotel on October 2nd. We will send organic Ceylon tea produced at HTF to the participants also! This event will be an […]
  • Aviika for Japan Launched(日英)
    We launched a Japanese website for Aviika, a Sri Lanka jewelry brand founded by Amanda Wijemanne. We are organizing jewelry ordering sessions and online shopping events occasionally. スリランカのジュエリーブランド Aviika の日本語サイト「Aviika for Japan」をロンチしました。ジュエリーの受注会やオンライン販売会を不定期に開催しています。詳細は「Aviika for Japan」のページをご覧ください。 参考:Aviika for Japan
  • Hankyu World Tea Festival(日英)
    We provided translation service and technical support for the Hankyu World Tea Festival 2021 for the seminar conducted by Mitsutea on 15th and 16th May. Hankyu World Tea Festival is the annual event introducing tea from all over the world, inviting more than 50 vendors. Mitsutea is a tea shop and school in Yokohama, offering […]
  • The Design Collective Store x Studio Fort Virtual Shopping Tour(日英)
    We coordinated the online event including logistic management for the Design Collective Store x Studio Fort virtual shopping tour. The Desing Collective Store in Colombo, Sri Lanka houses multiple brands from Sri Lanka and the subcontinent to the wider world and provides various fashion and interior items created by young and upcoming designers in the […]